
Words Worth


So a picture is worth 1000 words. What are other communication devices worth in word currency?

Icons and emojis are simple pictures. You might expect them to be worth 100 words. No - the value is one word plus or minus one word. Why the plus or minus? Some icons are worth less than a word.For example the "hamburger" icon (three horizontal lines) that Google uses for "menu". How does that imply "menu"? I was test driving a BMW long ago and needed the air conditioner - could not find it. After almost melting in the heat, in desperation, I tried the button with a snowflake. Yes - snowflake means cool air! I had assumed it would initiate a mode for driving in snow. Sigh. (Is there an emoji for "sigh"?) And some emojis are just small pictures that cover multiple languages - I'll give them a plus one.

Acronyms have, in the past, been worth a word each for letter in the acronym. But now they are so overloaded (i.e. used for multiple meanings) that they are getting close to useless. They are worth one word per letter only when their context is apparent. Otherwise one half word per letter.

Logos are simple pictures representing an organization. In isolation not worth much, but by associating with an organization they evoke images of the organization, its goals and ideals. 100 words, assuming the viewer is familiar with the organization.

Diagrams are pictures that are created specifically to impart information. Even simple diagrams can provide clarity that 1000 words cannot. I'm going to give them 2000 words.

Poems are carefully chosen words that evoke feeling or imagination beyond the elemental reading of the words. Certainly good poetry is worth far more than the sum of the words. 2000 words.

Paintings, like poems, should evoke feeling or imagination. So although they might not have the detail of a photograph, I will give them 2000 words.

Songs, a merging of poetry and music, can evoke feeling and imagination through their poetry and their music. It's rare to find a great combination of both, but if found - 4000 words. And maybe another 1000 words because the synergistic combination makes both elements more memorable.

Photoshopped photographs, 1000 words? But they are lies. 0.

Photographs timed or aimed to mislead. More lies. 0.

And writers of computer code documentation take note. Documenting each element of an API (application programming interface) is not enough. I need to know how they fit together. A good EXAMPLE is worth 2000 words.

Of course, there are worthless poems, songs, painting, icons/emojis, diagrams. The above assigned values assume excellence in construction of the communication devices.

Under 500 words - I could have just found the right photograph.

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