
Memory Habits, Good and Bad


Bad - Asking a person's name then forgetting it immediately.

Bad - Deciding that I need to do a task then deciding to do something else first. Then forgetting the task.

Bad - Finding a good way to solve a problem and not writing it down. It is important because I will run into the same problem again, but the next time I might not be able to figure out the solution or find the web page with the answer.

Good - I have a tips file full of useful bits of information. It includes a lot of Linux command line programs and parameters, lots of system file names that might need modifying. This has saved me many hours of finding the information on the web.

Looking through it just now I noticed one of my favorites

  sudo cp /home/r/Downloads/silent.ogg /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/system-ready.ogg

This kills the obnoxiously loud system startup sound. You have to download silent.ogg, but it's not hard to find. I've only done this once, but I'm sure it will be handy when I am forced to update my operating system.

One day my phone was not making any sound on notifications. I scoured the settings and did not see anything to help. After a while I noticed that the Bluetooth icon was displayed. Not that this is unusual, but I couldn't think of why. Ah - I used my Airpods and needed to take them off to talk to someone, so I put them in my pocket and forgot about them. The notification sounds were going through the Airpods. I put them back in their case, the Bluetooth icon disappeared, my notification sounds came back. A few months later, the same thing happened. Including the search for the problem and the eventual solution. Sigh.

Good - check for keys, wallet, phone whenever I get in the car or step outside. I always lock my car with the key so I don't have a problem locking myself out.

Bad - writing code (computer program, 3D shape) with absolutely no documentation. Possibly the worst habit that I have.

Good - using Google Calendar for all appointments and events. I'm not recommending Google Calendar specifically other than saying that it works for me. Except for the sporting event calendar - teams should be designated as home city or school not mascot - this Saturday it's the Wildcats vs the Wildcats - thanks Google. (Same with GMail - yay, I got an email from Tom.)

Good, Bad - using a phone todo/shopping list, not looking at it while in the grocery store.

Bad - letting distractions get in the way of my good habits.

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