


Many people like new car smell, associating it with new cars, I assume. It is caused by the outgassing of new plastic. It stinks. I assume it is toxic. When I get a new car, I make a point of leaving it in the sun with the windows closed to heat the interior and drive the outgassing so that the car becomes livable sooner. The outgassing also causes a hazy film to build up on the inside of the glass. I use Armor All Glass Cleaner which works well on this.

Restaurants need to keep water in their drain traps. Sewer smell does not make dining more pleasant.

New neoprene products - I leave them in the garage for a month before I use them.

My latest mattress, a big chunk of memory foam, came rolled and vacuum packed in plastic wrap. It had no chance to outgas until I unpacked it. It took weeks to not smell. Incidentally, I love memory foam mattresses after the odor goes away.

Cascade dishwasher pods work very nicely. I was shocked when I saw how clean they got my unrinsed dishes. I tried Platinum first. I never tried Platinum Plus - no need. But my dishes started to stink. Drinking fresh iced tea while smelling an unknown chemical is not to my liking. I backed off to Complete. This worked just as well as Platinum for me, but my dishes still smelled. I backed off again, to Original. Still works great, much less smell. I just saw Cascade Free and Clear on Amazon, but it has lemon essence. Blech. I don't even like real lemon in my iced tea.

I've been using All Free and Clear for washing clothes for many years. I can't understand why anyone would want a fake scent in their clothes.

A side note on clothes - if you work with heating oil, trash the clothing that you wore. It will never be free of heating oil smell and it will spread the smell to your other clothes. And your hair will need multiple washings to become normal.

Air fresheners - spray, plugins, hanging things for cars - they are all horrible. Why would anyone would want chemical scents in their homes or cars. And why are shampoo and soap scented? Does everything need to smell?

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