
What is Wrong with Linux?


My Chrome version is very old. I have been using Firefox.

Chrome says it is out of date, can't update, must reinstall. Okay, I follow the link to download a new version.

Downloaded the .deb file (used by Ubuntu Linux) and ran it.

And? What do I do from this screen???

Apparently I can't do anything since the .deb file MIGHT be a security risk. I trust it - Chrome led me to it. Linux doesn't trust it. What do I do?

I clicked on the yellow circle. This led me through some incomprehensible way of telling Gnome that the .deb file was trustworthy. How many hours will it take me to decipher the procedure and make it work? I have no idea.

I will stick with Firefox.

As much as I dislike Windows and Microsoft, I must say that I have never had a problem like this. I can't remember having a problem installing anything under Windows.

Update 16 May 2023

A tip from the internet and I finally have the current version of Chrome installed.

Uninstall Chrome, from the command line - sudo dpkg -r google-chrome-stable .

Install Chrome by double clicking on the previously downloaded .deb file. Now you still get the screen that says it's potentially unsafe, but there is also an install button. It works! I don't know if it's unsafe, although I expect that any version of any browser is unsafe. And I don't know what will happen when another update is needed.

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