Camera based rear view and wing "mirrors" on cars - cuts wind resistance, gives a better view, should be cheaper to repair.
Phone holders in cars. My car has 8 cup holders, but nowhere to put my phone. (Magnetic phone holders work well. Until the steel disk that is stuck to your phone falls off. In the middle of a trip across the country. Hardware store double sided tape fails quickly. I had to buy a complete new phone holder to get a sticky back steel disk - $20.)
Soundproof stalls for bathroom airflow hand dryers. Seriously - I would just ban the things or place strict noise limits on them.
In internet browsers - the option to suppress hover actions - stop covering up what I'm reading just because I left the cursor on a hover point - I was just getting the cursor out of my view.
All smart speakers should accept the command "pause for one minute".
All dental floss should have a no flavor option.
All soaps, detergents, lotions for clothes, dishes, hair, hands, shower should have a no scent option.
All salt dispensers used in restaurant kitchens should have chef proof caps.
Overhead lights above ceiling fans should be illegal.
Laws against unnecessary blinking lights - cursors, OPEN signs, colons on digital clocks, warning lights on devices where the time has not been set, wait icons, phone app ads. They are ANNOYING and distracting. And very low frequency "operating" lights on smoke alarms - so annoying in the dark and you have stare at them interminably to see if the device is working.
Bathroom stall doors should swing OUT, NOT in.
And aloo gobi should be required on all Indian buffets. (That's cauliflower and potato - I only eat the cauliflower).
(Plus a lot of stuff from previous posts.)
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