
The Voice

Time to lighten up a bit. It's Tuesday. I like to have the TV on while I'm working on the computer. On Tuesday there is nothing of interest on the TV. I guess I'll see if there is any good singing on The Voice. This is the latest big singing competition (not that it's new - several years old). Here goes (this is based on my past experiences as well as tonight).

I have never seen such ugly haircuts anywhere else. Maybe I haven't looked.

I don't understand why they do singing contests with the opponents singing a duet with each other. I don't have the slightest care how someone sings a duet with their opponent.

I am amazed at some of the boring song choices. I guess they stress the singer's abilities.

The judges/coaches think every performance is fabulous. Where is SIMON COWELL? He is desperately needed. (Simon Cowell is the mean/honest original American Idol judge.)

The real problem with this and other singing competition shows is that there are huge numbers of great voices, but not very many that belong to someone with good taste in music. I would much rather hear a limited voice sing a great song than hear a great voice sing junk. A great singer and a great voice are not the same thing.

And I don't understand why people want music video performances rather than performances of music (this happens in the later stages of the competition, as I recall).

I guess I'll switch to an old Andy Griffith show - Hmm, Barney's interrogation of Otis isn't bad.

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