How Fast Can Google Destroy Android?
This is a time - "2:39". Two numbers attached by a colon tells you it's a time. Google apparently does not know this.
The Android 12 lock screen displays 2:39 as
The two numbers are not connected and there is no punctuation. People have been trained since the beginning of digital clocks to recognize a time. This is NOT a time.
Furthermore, the digits are huge and when they change, if they are in my field of view, it is very distracting.
This is on the lock screen of always on screens on modern phones. There is no alternative setting. This is my PRIMARY clock. I use it as my alarm clock and carry clock.
If there happens to be a notification on the lock screen, the display becomes a recognizable time. That's great. But if you have no notification on the lock screen, and then one shows up, and then it disappears (such as my weather app doing an update), the clock switches from awful to good and back to awful.
I just spent the entire evening adding a feature to my clock widget app (you can get this new/test version from ). If you turn on the "RS" option, it keeps a persistent "RS" notification on the phone. I hope it's persistent anyway, it's still there after fifteen minutes. This fixes the issue but keeps an otherwise pointless notification on the phone.
Google - do your software designers use Android? Do they care whether it is useful, not annoying, functional?
How Fast Can Google Destroy Android?
More and more, I find myself staring at something and wanting to scream - WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?
Google Pixel 4a phone, Android 11 September 2021 version, 90 GB of unused disk space - I was in a remote location in Utah, Dutchman's Arch, a week ago. No Verizon cell phone service - I don't know if that made any difference. I took a number of photos of the arch using Google's camera app. But every time a took a photo, it deleted the previous photo. No message, it just wrote over the previous photo. I have taken series of photos before, so I know that this should work. Maybe they changed it, but I couldn't find a "save" button. What good are all the fancy image processing features if the basic camera function doesn't work? Why can't Google write working software for its own hardware and operating system?
Android GMail freezes regularly. I have to force a stop, clear the cache, and then it works for a couple of days. If that's all it takes, why don't they clear the cache every time I use it, or maybe after it has been idle for an hour?
Headline today - "Google Chrome icon on Chrome OS finally updated with latest app icon ..." - Google - can you fix your dysfunctional software instead of confusing people by changing icons?
There is a news article today about RSS in Chrome. There is no definition of RSS, except that is has something to do with Google Reader, which it says is now defunct. What is Google Reader? What is RSS? Off to the Acronym Finder - I find roughly 50 uses of RSS - Russell Stover Samplers, Roaming Service Startup, Resident Site Supervisor, Rough Surface Scattering, Reduced Space Symbology, Rich Site Summary, and on, and on. What are they talking about? The article has NO meaning because I don't know what it is about. WIWWYP?
Does BLM refer to Bureau of Land Management or Black Lives Matter? Why don't you spell it out instead of making me figure it out from the context of your story?
Acronym Overload Induced Insanity is going to become a major problem. Thankfully, AOII has only two definitions on Acronym Finder so far.
A few more issues -
Journalists and forum contributors - where is Portland - Maine or Oregon? In the age of the internet, why do you think that this is obvious and not worth stating?
And forum contributors - "to" and "too" have different meanings, "there" and "their" have different meanings. Using the wrong word causes confusion.
I traveled across the country a couple of weeks ago, by car. There are no more paper towels in restrooms, just air blowers that are deafening. Okay, everyone is going to go deaf anyway due to the prevalence of LOUD "music" and the complete disregard for noise pollution in our society, but do we have to hasten it like this? And - it is painful.